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Universal accessibility

What is universal accessibility?

Universal accessibility is defined as the character of a product, process, service, information or environment that, with equity and inclusiveness in mind, enables any person to perform activities independently and achieve equivalent results.

Universal accessibility, is when a product, a service, information or an environment is good for everyone.

Universal accessibility allows everyone to to do the same activities without assistance.

Universal accessibility allows everyone to be to be included.

For example:

  • A person in a wheelchair can enter easily through an entrance without stairs with a door that opens by itself.
  • A person with an intellectual disability can read simplified text
  • Employees are trained to provide good service to people with a disorder on the autism spectrum.


There are 4 types of universal accessibility

1 Universal accessibility in places

Universal accessibility in places, is accessibility in buildings, but also outside.

For example, in a park, the benches and paths are accessible.

There are mandatory accessibility rules, but it’s not enough.

We need to work harder to create places that are good for everyone.

2 Universal accessibility programs, services and jobs

When programs, services and jobs are accessible, everyone can participate.

3 Universal accessibility of communications

Everyone has the right to have information.

Everyone has the right to understand information.

Everyone has the right to have accessible information.

For example, information can be simplified, in audio format, in Braille or in large print.

Information must be accessible on television, in documents and on social media.

4 Universal accessibility training

Service employees need to be trained to be more aware of the reality of people with limitations.

Service employees who are well-trained can provide accessible services.

People with disabilities can have a positive experience.

Well-trained service employees can also have a positive.

It is true

When you build without barriers, when you train employees, when we provide accessible activities and communications, we help everyone.


About us

What is the Collectif A.U.?

The Collectif A.U., is the Collectif accessibilité universelle.

The Collectif A.U., is several organizations who work together.

The Collectif A.U. wants to make universal accessibility everywhere in Montreal and the surrounding area.

The Collectif A.U. explains why universal accessibility is important.

Click here to read what it is, universal accessibility


Our dream

Our dream is to move forward together to achieve universal accessibility.

We dream of ensuring respect for the rights of all citizens.


Our Vision 

To make universal accessibility  a reality and to ensure the rights of all citizens are respected.


Our mission

We work as a team to find new ideas  to improve universal accessibility.


Our values

  • Commitment
  • Solidarity
  • Respect
  • Open-mindedness
  • Inclusion
  • Diversity


Our history


2010 – The project LIENS begins

The project LIENS was created by 3 Montreal-based organizations:

  • AlterGo
  • the Comité régional des associations pour la déficience intellectuelle, le CRADI
  • the Regroupement des organismes de promotion du Montréal métropolitain, le ROPMM. 

CRADI is now called the Comité régional pour l’autisme et la déficience intellectuelle. The ROPMM is now called DéPhy Montréal.

The project LIENS helped people with limitations  to speak up.

The project LIENS helped people to participate at public meetings of the City and the boroughs.

Project LIENS helped to create a group of advocates able to speak out about the reality of people with disabilities.

The spokespersons made known the important need to achieve universal accessibility in Montreal.

The project LIENS lasted 3 years.


2013 – The beginning of the Collectif A.U.

In 2013, the Collectif A.U. was created.

The Collectif A.U. gave trainings to organizations.

The Collectif A.U. helped organizations do more universal accessibility in Montreal.

The Collectif A.U. helped organizations request more universal accessibility in Montreal.


2015 – First AU360 Day

The Collective A.U. organized the AU360 Day

There were 130 people interested in making leisure more accessible.

The 130 people identified urgent actions to be done in Montreal for the 4 kinds of universal accessibility:

1. Universal accessibility in places

2. Universal accessibility of programs, services and employment

3. Universal accessibility of communications

4.Training in universal accessibility


2016 — Second AU360 Day

In February 2016, Formation AlterGo organized the AU360 Day with the help of Centraide of Greater Montreal.

There were over 100 people interested in making leisure more accessible.

People spoke of actions carried out for universal accessibility in Montreal.

People spoke of  other urgent actions to be carried out for universal accessibility.


Février 2019 — GO Pour un Grand Montréal accessible

GO was a great meeting on universal accessibility in Montreal.

183 people of 120 Montreal organizations came together.

People spoke of universal accessibility in sport, leisure and culture.

People have spoke of the most important actions to be achieved for universal accessibility in Montreal.

This great meeting served to make known even more universal accessibility.


February 2020 – New objectives

The Collectif A.U. has new objectives.

The Collectif A.U. wants to explain to the population of Montreal what it is, universal accessibility.

The Collectif A.U. wants to explain to the population of Montreal why universal accessibility is important.

The Collectif A.U. wants to express the needs in universal accessibility for the 2021 municipal elections.


October 2020 – Collectif A.U.’s position

For the 2021 municipal elections

The Collectif A.U. wants to implement many ideas to get the word out about universal accessibility in the 2021 municipal elections.

The organizations of the Collectif A.U. want to organize public speaking engagements so that everyone hears about universal accessibility.

February 2023 – Establishment of a governance structure for the Collectif A.U.

The organizations of the Collectif A.U. met to define statutes and precise missions for certain members of the Collectif.

May 2023 – 11th day of the Collectif A.U.

On May 18, 2023, members of the Collectif A.U. gathered for the 11th Day to form working groups and move forward on projects.

September 2023 – Relaunch of the awareness campaign

In September, Collectif A.U. relaunched its awareness campaign to talk about accessibility for all.

November 2023 – 12th day of the Collectif A.U.

Collectif A.U. members met to take part in workshops on accessibility for all.

February 2024 – 13th day of the Collectif A.U.

The Collectif wants to make plans for 2024.
The Collectif held elections for the orientation committee.

October 2024 – 14th day of the Collectif A.U.

The Collectif wants to make plans for 2024. The Collectif discussed its projects, worked on its message and took part in a workshop on citizen participation.